Upscale computer tomograph Vatech Pax-i3D European standard

Nothing stands still, so in 2020 we have improved our clinic in accordance with modern standards of dentistry. Also this year we became the first private dental clinic in Bilyaivka, which has a high-quality computer tomograph of European standard - Vatech Pax-i3D. This is a device with a minimum radiation dose, which allows our specialists to get two types of research at once - 3D and panoramic image, which eliminates the need for two X-ray scans.
Now our patients can take a computed tomography and a panoramic picture of the jaw without leaving the city of Bilyaivka and without even leaving the clinic, and immediately after - to begin treatment or implantation of teeth.
Book an appointment for a CT scan
One jaw
500 ₴
Two jaws
800 ₴
3D image
300 ₴
Contact us
Head doctor
Bilyaivka, Kostina street, 6а
+380 (98) 552 32 31
Alexander Shnurkov
2020 © SHANS dental clinic
"I am waiting for you in the clinic, we will do everything at its best!!"